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5 Newport Painters Found
Joseph S
Newport, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Painter in Newport, KY: Quality Work at Affordable Rates - Serving Newport and Surrounding Areas!
I'm Joseph, a professional painter from Newport, Kentucky. With over 15 years of experience in the painting industry, I specialize in doors,...
I'm Joseph, a professional painter from Newport, Kentucky. With over 15 years of experience in the painting industry, I specialize in doors, exterior and interior trim, walls and more. I take pride in my work and strive to exceed my clients expectations.
I am dedicated to providing quality craftsmanship, and I understand that your home is your biggest investment. I always use...
Roger T
Newport, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
I offer quality painting services, interior and exterior.
General contractor, I provide remodeling services such as: Drywall installation, Flooring (Hardwood, Laminated, Vinyl, Etc), Ceramic Tile, T...
General contractor, I provide remodeling services such as: Drywall installation, Flooring (Hardwood, Laminated, Vinyl, Etc), Ceramic Tile, Trim, Etc.
Roger T
Newport, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Quality painting Jobs offered
Weoffer interior and exterior panting, residencial and comercial. Estimates are free of charge and our services are waranteed.
Weoffer interior and exterior panting, residencial and comercial. Estimates are free of charge and our services are waranteed.
Kristopher F
Newport, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Perfectionist College Artist
I'm a college aged student with years of experience painting the interior walls/trim/etc. of homes. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I love...
I'm a college aged student with years of experience painting the interior walls/trim/etc. of homes. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I love having projects to work on. I've been painting my own walls and friend's walls for maybe 6 years now, and my family just sold a house that I repainted for them. I'm mostly looking for something to do on the side at the moment. I'm available...
Jimmy L
Newport, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Decorative painting and finishing at reasonable prices
Experienced painting no job to big or small. 35 yrs experienced painting at a reasonable price. Contact Jimmy
Experienced painting no job to big or small. 35 yrs experienced painting at a reasonable price. Contact Jimmy
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