Hire Montclair Painters
The #1 way to hire a professional painter
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4 Montclair Painters Found
Cristina C
Montclair, New Jersey
Active 6 days ago
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We work with responsability and always following your instructions and doing the best for the customers
We paint apartments and houses acordonó your necessity and in different places of New Jersey we have references .
We paint apartments and houses acordonó your necessity and in different places of New Jersey we have references .
Neal E
Montclair, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Great Painting Rates!
Rates are $200 per room(you purchase paint that you want), Large rooms may be higher which will be negotiated first. I look forward to heari...
Rates are $200 per room(you purchase paint that you want), Large rooms may be higher which will be negotiated first. I look forward to hearing from you!
Elizabeth B
Montclair, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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Excellent services at affordable prices.
We have years of professional experience with both residential and commercial properties. We make sure the job is done right the first time....
We have years of professional experience with both residential and commercial properties. We make sure the job is done right the first time. Our goal is to make sure that the customers are always satisfied.
Justin S
Montclair, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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Handy, Fast Learner - Available Today
In addition to being a handy fast learner, I am also reliable with good attention to detail and a great understanding of the importance of c...
In addition to being a handy fast learner, I am also reliable with good attention to detail and a great understanding of the importance of customer service.
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