Hire White Lake Painters
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4 White Lake Painters Found
Jalaynna R
White Lake, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Renewed and Improved Homes are offering interior painting and decor services!
We will paint all interior surfaces; walls, doors, trim, & ceilings. We offer cleaning and decor services, such as helping you arrange your...
We will paint all interior surfaces; walls, doors, trim, & ceilings. We offer cleaning and decor services, such as helping you arrange your home in an organized and comfortable way! We also provide sanding and restaining wood floors, as well as offer a small variety of tiles we can lay down.
William P
White Lake, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
Interior Painter For Hire
Pretty simple, I am $13 an hour. You supply paint, tape and rollers. I supply rest. I am fairly quick and great quality.
Pretty simple, I am $13 an hour. You supply paint, tape and rollers. I supply rest. I am fairly quick and great quality.
Joe E
White Lake, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Reliable and trusting painters available today
We are a new startup company but not new in the painting field. We have 30 combined years of painting experience in our crew. We have lots...
We are a new startup company but not new in the painting field. We have 30 combined years of painting experience in our crew. We have lots of experience from small jobs, including room painting, to large jobs which include plant machine renovations. References and pictures available upon request.
Jake S
White Lake, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Affordable vanity and cupboard painting
hello my name is Jake the owner of PVP Pro Vanity Painting, and i will paint any wooden vanity and cabinets that you want to look newer or m...
hello my name is Jake the owner of PVP Pro Vanity Painting, and i will paint any wooden vanity and cabinets that you want to look newer or more modernized.
All of my work is done at an affordable cost, and if you are not pleased color that was painted we will only add the additional cost of the new paint color.
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