Hire Culver City Painters
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3 Culver City Painters Found
Tatiana M
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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My name is Tatiana, I can make a mural or designs, and paint lettering.
The largest work I’ve done is a two bedroom apartment and a shrine-9ft x 12ft- a total of four murals. I’m looking for creative work and any...
The largest work I’ve done is a two bedroom apartment and a shrine-9ft x 12ft- a total of four murals. I’m looking for creative work and anything the client needs I’m just here to give you what you envision, materials covered preferably.
Samba D
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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Painter ready to go.
Hi I am an experience painter for 15 year. I work with the union n I am well trained in construction. I have safety training. I can do it a...
Hi I am an experience painter for 15 year. I work with the union n I am well trained in construction. I have safety training. I can do it all. Call me n we can talk business.
Anis R
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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FREE House Painting Estimates!
I'm offering free exterior house painting estimates through College Works Painting in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Culver City.
I'm offering free exterior house painting estimates through College Works Painting in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Culver City.
I'm a business student at Cal State-Long Beach, and I'm reserving 20 clients for the summer, when the actual production season is.
If you're planning on having your house painted this summer, please contact me for a free estimate!
Anis: 310-2...
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